Logistic Regression

Logistic Regression Formula


Advantages of Logistic Regression

  1. Less training time
  2. Good accuracy if data is linearly seperable
  3. Less inclined to Overfitting, for high dimensional data there can be overfitting, which can be solved by L1 or Lasso Regression, L2 or Ridge Regression or Elastic Net Regression
  4. Easier to implement, interpret and efficient to train

Disadvantages of Logistic Regression

  1. Lot of feature engineering is needed
  2. Can't solve Non-linear dataset
  3. Real life there is very less to no linearly separable dataset
  4. Bad at Handling Outliers
  5. Bad at Handling Missing Data
  6. If the number of observation is less than number of features (AKA Curse of Dimensionality), then it can't be used

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