Decision Tree

There are 2 types of decision tree depending on the task

  1. Decision Tree (Classification)
  2. Decision Tree (Regression)
Advantages of Decision Tree

  1. Easy to interpret
  2. Explainable
  3. Good at Handling Outliers
  4. As the outliers are ignored when splitting tree
  5. Supports both classification and regression
  6. Supports both continuous and categorical variables
  7. Automatically good at Handling Missing Data
  8. Ignore missing values and focus on the available values
  9. Distribute to the majority class
  10. Distribute randomly
  11. Distribute evenly to all children
  12. Less training time compared to Random Forest as it only has to generate one tree rather than a forest of trees
  13. No feature scaling is needed as it use one feature at a time

Disadvantages of Decision Tree

  1. Overfitting
  2. Can be solved using tree pruning
  3. Retraining
  4. Adding of only a new item or a new feature can change the whole tree, so needs to be retrained the whole tree again
  5. Not suitable for large datasets
  6. The tree will grow to be very complex to fit all the data. One alternative is to use Random Forest

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